Monday, November 17, 2008

Wear Good Shoes: Advice to young photographers

Take a look at what Alec Soth has put together over at the Magnum Blog. "Wear Good Shoes: Advice to young photographers" is a recent post he put together with his and his Magnum colleagues words of advice to new photographers. My favorites include Alec's "Try Everything", Hoepker's "Avoid all photo schools and courses.", and a lot of what Donovan Wylie had to say. Head over and give it a read.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Richard Renaldi

I really enjoy the work of Richard Renaldi. Jorg Colberg recently had a conversation with him about his newest project "Touching Strangers"

Friday, November 7, 2008

SeeSaw Magazine

I thought I had already mentioned SeeSaw Magazine when I posted about purpose magazine (they both just happen to have the same work on the cover of their newest issue). Check it out! The artist, writer, critic Aaron Schuman started it several years ago, and it always includes a lot of wonderful work and some great writing and interviews.

Memory Is Your Image of Perfection

I had a two hour lunch break while serving jury duty yesterday so I wandered over to MOCA downtown. They have an exhibition up that includes a lot of photography, including the work of Eleanor Antin and Barbara Kruger (who used to teach at UCSD), and the wonderful work of fellow M.F.A. candidate Yvonne Venegas.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Eloquent Nude: The Love and Legacy of Edward Weston & Charis Wilson

The film "Eloquent Nude: The Love and Legacy of Edward Weston & Charis Wilson" will be screened this Friday at MOPA in Balboa Park. The documentary takes an intimate look at the relationship between the great Modern photographer, Edward Weston, and his wife, muse, and creative partner, Charis Wilson.

Purpose Webzine

Not sure how many people know of the online magazine Purpose, but they put together some nice work. "Created in January 2006, purpose is a free and independent webzine, dedicated to the presentation of photographic work. The subjects explored are broad and relevant: "chronicles of the ordinary", "Africa seen by its photographers", "environment", "social body", "memory", "margins and frontiers", "childhood"…"

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Andy Goldsworthy

Today's New York Times has an interesting article on new work by Andy Goldsworthy (we watched his film "Rivers and Tides" in lecture last week).