Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Fucking Train Wreck

I have a new work up at the Marcuse Gallery this week. The Fucking Train Wreck is a group show organized by Louis Schmidt and includes work by a lot of the current MFA students at UCSD. Here is a chance to view the "artistic yield of the entirety of UCSD’s MFA students’ work within one space, engaged in what will inevitably result in raucous, amiable, and thought-provoking conversation."


Burn is offering a $10,000 grant to a "worthy" emerging photographer.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dan Graham lecture TONIGHT

Come see the Dan Graham lecture tonight at 7pm in the VAF Performance Space. You can find more information here.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Boom Is Over

Holland Cotter wrote an interesting article that was in the New York Times today that asks some interesting questions about the art world, including art schools:
Art schools can change too. The present goal of studio programs (and of ever more specialized art history programs) seems to be to narrow talent to a sharp point that can push its way aggressively into the competitive arena. But with markets uncertain, possibly nonexistent, why not relax this mode, open up education?...Why not make studio training an interdisciplinary experience, crossing over into sociology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, poetry and theology?... I’m not talking about creating ’60s-style utopias; all those notions are dead and gone and weren’t so great to begin with. I’m talking about carving out a place in the larger culture where a condition of abnormality can be sustained, where imagining the unknown and the unknowable — impossible to buy or sell — is the primary enterprise. Crazy! says anyone with an ounce of business sense.

Right. Exactly. Crazy.

Friday, February 13, 2009


The University Art Gallery at SDSU presents animalkind which "will explore a variety of relationships between non-human and human animals through a selection of works by artists from the United States and Finland." Lectures by the artists will be on Thursdays at 4pm. I highly recommend checking out the John Divola talk on March 5th. UCSD Professor Ernest Silva is also in the show and his talk will be April 16th.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Come by and see some new works by Tim Schwartz at the Marcuse Gallery tomorrow night.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jennifer Doyle Talk

Here is a link with more info on the Jennifer Doyle lecture that is tonight at Pepper Canyon. She is the author of Sex Objects: Art and Dialectics of Desire. Sex Objects was a finalist for a Lambda Literary Award for Writing on Art and Culture, and received honorable mention for the Alan Bray Memorial Book Prize.