Monday, December 14, 2009

Larry Sultan, 1946-2009

I still remember being shown Larry Sultan's work when I first moved to Southern California years ago. Very sad to hear this morning that he has passed away at the age of 63 (NY Times article here).

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gretchen Mercedes: b e t w e e n . s o m e w h e r e

Tomorrow night is the closing reception for Gretchen's exhibition up at the Marcuse Gallery. Come by and check it out. "Gretchen's travels thrill and excite me, but cause uneasiness as well...When she arrives at the next site of investigation - say a taxidermy studio, or rodeo, there's permanence, laughing at us for trying to pin it down, and Gretchen already acquiescing to the notions of the state of permanence akin to my own."